We offer a variety of programs, services, and resources for women or couples who decide to parent after finding themselves in an unplanned pregnancy.

However parenthood comes to you, it can be challenging, and we’re here to help! Here are the programs we offer so you can enter parenthood confidently, even if the pregnancy was a surprise.

Material Assistance

Bringing a child into the world comes with a number of financial obligations that can become major financial challenges, especially if the pregnancy was unplanned. To support you, we provide material assistance in the form of baby supplies like diapers, clothing, formula, and more.

Learn more about our Material Assistance program today.

Prenatal Education

Your body goes through many changes as your baby grows and develops, and our prenatal education classes provide information on all those changes. Every pregnancy is different, but you’ll learn about the developmental stages of pregnancy and things you can expect throughout your pregnancy.

Learn more about our Prenatal Education program.

Parenting Education

Does the thought of your baby arriving fill you with a sense of uncertainty and nervousness? That’s normal! Our parenting education classes will help you prepare for parenthood by teaching about connecting with your child, prioritizing your marriage or relationship with your partner, discipline techniques, and more.

Learn more about our Parenting Education program to see if you could benefit.

Life Coaching

Do you have dreams for your life, but no concrete plans to get there? We all struggle at times to reach our goals by failing to plan, and a life coach can help provide the support you need to build the future you desire for yourself and your family.

Learn more about our Life Coaching program to see if it’d be a good fit for you.